Tuesday, November 10, 2015

First Goal

Welcome to the beginning. In my mind, the most important goal is to be Debt Free.  How many people can say that they have zero debt hanging over their heads?Well I want to be one of those people.  But as the saying goes, a goal without a plan is a wish and I'm done wishing.

For me this is how I plan on accomplishing this goal.  Dave Ramsey, financial guru and mentor, has the Debt Snowball Plan that he describes how to get a handle on your debt.  I plan on doing the same.   Not including my Student Loans, more on that later, I have approximately $5,000 in debt.  I plan on paying the smaller bills first. This will take me approximately 13 months to do this.

So what is my SMART Goal.  Well here it goes:  In order to become Debt Free, I will be using the Dave Ramsey Debt Snowball Plan, I will pay $5,000 of debt by December 31, 2015.

By paying off all of that debt, the only remainder I will have is Student Loans.  I have this covered as well.  I am a public employee and thanks to the Public Servant Loan Forgiveness Plan I will have all my student loans forgiven in a total of 120 payments.  I am currently on payment # 2, so I have some time to work on that, but it is a start.

Next time, on the Road to 50 %, I will be explaining how I plan to actually get to that 50% goal.

photo credit: Workshop via photopin (license)

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